Scripting Fixers
BLT for LabVIEW contains Scripting Fixers than can be used to fix or update code that was generated with a previous version of BLT. This allow your products to always stay up-to-date with the latest bug fixes and improvements provided by BLT.
When you Build a Product with BLT for LabVIEW, your code will be analyzed to determine if Fixers are available and needed for your Product. If so, you will be prompted to apply those Fixers:
It is recommended to apply all the available Fixers to your Product!
•To Apply the fixers, make sure you first select the ones you want in the list and click "Apply Selected Fixers and Build". The selected fixers will be applied to the BLT code of your Product and the Build and Distribute process will continue.
•If you don't want to apply any fixer, click on "Skip Applying Fixers and Build". The Build and Distribute process will then continue.
•Check the "Never ask me again for this Product" box and click on "Skip Applying Fixers and Build" if you no longer want to prompted for available Fixers for this Product. (You will still be prompted again if a new version of BLT with new available fixers is released.)
The latest version of BLT for LabVIEW contains the following Scripting Fixers:
•Fix Missing Error Info for Log Errors